What To Do When You Lose Your Job

Posted by in Career Advice



In an earlier article, we were talking about coping with the loss of a job. So, once you have started getting a handle on your emotions, what are some of the steps you should take to find a new job as soon as possible?


One of the best things you can do, is to tell everyone you know. Of course, job boards and social networking sites should be a part of your job plan, but a tip from someone you know is even better. If you are like most people, then you have, at one time or another, gotten a job because a friend of one of your friend's great aunt knew someone who was working somewhere that may be hiring. Never underestimate the power of your personal network.


So how is the best way to go about letting everyone know? Personally, I think via email is the best way because it is much easier to forward. And that is your goal, for your friends to forward your information to anyone they know who could possibly help. Start off by writing a form letter. Here is my idea of how it should look:



Dear Friends and Family (you can address it personally if you like),


So, I am now officially unemployed. After (number) years, I have been laid off from (company name), where I was employed as a (job title). As you can imagine, I am still shocked and concerned about finding a new job. I am sure that I will find something quickly, and in a way, I am excited about the possibility of a new challenge.


Instead of just keeping this to myself, I decided to go ahead and let everyone know. I also want to ask you if you or someone you know is hiring, has any connections or suggestions to help me out in my job search. In case you aren't familiar with my job experience, I (here you can either say that you are attaching a copy of your resume, or briefly state your job experience)


Please don't be offended, and it is alright if you aren't able to help. Just knowing that I have your good thoughts and well wishes means the world to me. (here you can personalize it anyway you want)


Best wishes,

Newly Unemployed.



I know that it might feel like you are bugging your friends, but people get spammed every day, so if they can't help, they will look it over and then just delete it. Which is fine. But the hope is that one or two of them will recall someone who mentioned something about a job and forward your email along. Let your friends and family help you with the job search, because you have nothing to lose.


Also, whenever you run into a friend or acquaintance, remember to ask them each time, “Do you or any of your friends know of anyone who is hiring?” You probably hear “no” 95% of the time, but the other 5% may have advice or suggestions, and maybe would even be willing to take your business card in order to let you know if they think of something. Keep in mind that the more you ask, the higher the chances are that you will eventually her a “yes”.




By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a freelance writer and regular contributor to several websites and other publications, a volunteer, a full time mom and an active job seeker.


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