Types of pre-employment testing – Part 1 of 4

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

So you have completed your resume and submitted it for this great position. Maybe you even had a first interview already and you are thinking that this job is in the bag. Then you get a call from the company’s Human Resources office. They indicate that they are interested in you but there are a few formalities that they have to attend to first.
Formalities? What could they possibly be talking about? Your resume was top-notch. Okay, maybe you did fudge a bit but doesn’t everyone? The interview went great – you sure did keep that interviewer talking about the company and himself. But now they want more? What could it possibly be? Is your stomach in a knot just thinking about it?
Many companies today use pre-employment screening and testing. Gulp – what could that consist of? Well, I have seen it be advertised as the A,B,C’s of hiring; ability, behavior and character. Oh no! Oh yes. Companies want to know that what you wrote on your resume is true so they decide that maybe they will test you. Yes, the dreaded testing! And here you thought that your test days were over!
For convenience’s sake, I have split up some of the possible test by the A, B, C categories:
A = abilities, skills
Skills test , i.e. SQL, Unix, MS Office
Typing /computer tests
Writing skills
Spelling, vocabulary, reading
Basic math and accounting
B = behavior , team building
Aptitude tests
Personality tests
Physiological tests
C = Character (traits, makeup)
Lie detectors - C
Drug Tests - C
Background check - C
Checking your credit score - C


In my next article, I will start digging into the A, B,C’s so stay tuned!


By: Nancy Anderson, Staff Writer

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