Why the Cover Letter May Be More Important Than Ever

Posted by in Career Advice

Cover letters are becoming increasingly important as job candidates seek open positions all over the globe, but many individuals undermine its importance. A cover letter can be the link that connects you to the position that you desire, so grant yourself an easy advantage.

Introducing Yourself as a Potential Employee

Remember that your cover letter is seen even before your resume, so it is important to create one that makes a good impression. Your cover letter is a brief introduction to an employer, and you can convey your passion for a position with a cover letter better than you can with a resume. An effective cover letter emphasizes your greatest skills and qualities, and it summarizes the major reasons why you are the top candidate for the position. Crafting a unique cover letter for each position you apply for shows your level of commitment and strikes a positive chord with hiring managers.

Adding a Personal Touch

Hiring managers often receive hundreds of resumes offering the same old repetitive information, but you can use your cover letter to highlight your skills and outshine the competition by being yourself. A cover letter allows you to add a personal touch to paint an expressive portrait of your personality that a resume alone cannot provide. Use the opportunity to showcase yourself as the ideal job candidate. In your cover letter, you can share unique information about your suitability for the position that cannot be integrated into your resume. A job seeker who uses a cover letter to share relevant information resonates with employers better than those who neglect to add one. Addressing your cover letter to a specific person in the organization can help your application get the attention it deserves.

Displaying Your Competence

A cover letter is one of the ways that employers determine if an employee is competent and attentive to detail. When a job seeker includes a flawless cover letter with a resume, it shows that he or she is a true professional. Ensuring that your cover letter is error-free is mandatory in a competitive job market. Remember to ask for feedback on your cover letter to help you make more thorough revisions and give yourself an edge. A person with solid grammar skills is great for proofreading your cover letter for mistakes, while a person with strong business or sales skills may tell you how to best highlight your skills and make your cover letter stand out more to employers.

Your cover letter has the power to turn away hiring managers or captivate their attention, so it is important to create an excellent one. Thoroughly reviewing your cover letter and asking for feedback is necessary to create the most effective cover letter. Cover letters are highly desired by employers in every industry, and you can maximize your chances for employment today by including a solid cover letter.

Photo courtesy of phanlop99 at freedigitalphotos.net


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