Going Into Retail Sales?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Customer Service

In recent previous posts, I have been examining some of the questions and philosophy issues you might want to consider before going in to an interview for any general customer service position. Now I wish to look a little at a specific branch of customer service, that of actual retail sales. Being in retail sales is of course different from phone customer support, or technical support of customers or even in-bound order lines. In retail sales, you will most likely be dealing directly face-to-face with the customers. I have covered many aspects of this type of scenario before, but let's hit it from a slightly different angle.

If you have already had some experience with retail sales, in your interview be sure to highlight specific tasks you have been a part of. Maybe your previous position allowed you to be involved in the inventory process, or in the ordering process. You need to consider what experience you have had that would make you a better candidate for this position - maybe focusings on skills you have that assist in good relations, like the ability to remain calm and not fly off at any frustration. These type of things are good traits that an employer should look for in a customer service representative.

You may be asked what you think are some of the most important traits necessary for the retail job. This is where some of the aspects I discussed in previous posts would come in handy. Things like good listening and communication skills. Treating the customer with respect, and a high level of desire to follow through until the situation is resolved.

What if the interviewer asked you "why do you want to be in customer service?" what would you say? Most might be quick to say "because I like working with people," but that is too common of a response. Expound on it and say what it is about working with people that you like. The general satisfaction of assisting and solving a customer's problem? The ability to be challenged and the satisfaction of meeting the challenge and conquering it? A joy in helping and pleasing others? Just some things to consider. If you have had previous experience, tell them of a former situation where you went the extra-mile to help someone, and how it made you feel. Feel free to give some examples of prior joys in the job.

You may be asked something along the line of why you want to work at their company. Don't just say "because I just need a job." Hopefully you have chosen the company because you are drawn to them for a reason. The products, the reputation, the challenge? Explain to them how you feel their company is different from the local competitors, and why you would choose to work for them instead. What are some of the aspects that draw you to them, versus their competitor? Don't go overboard, or it could look like you are “schmoozing” too much, but let them know why you appreciate them the most.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Customer Service Jobs blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.

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