4 Ways To Increase Your Odds Of Finding A Job

Posted by in Career Advice


Finding a job can be tough. Here are some ways to better your odds.
The job market is getting better, but it still is a challenge to find a great job. Some of the blame can be placed on a sluggish job market that is slowly improving, and the rest is because the way that we look for jobs has changed. If you haven't kept up with the changes, you might find yourself missing out on opportunities.
Here are 4 ways to increase your odds of finding the perfect job for you:
  • Use keywords in your resume – These days, employers don't actually read resumes. Since almost all of the resumes they receive are emailed to them, it is very easy for the hiring manager to just drop all of the files into a computerized sorting system that filters out the resumes of the people who meet all of their qualifications. Be sure to use the exact words that were in the job description.


  • Network, network, network – Building a strong network is the best way to find a great job. If you don't know many people and are still in college, attend career fairs on campus and network with the people you meet there. If you ask them, they will let you know about other networking events that you might be interested in. It's a good idea to print out some business cards that have your name and contact information on them. This way, you can pass them out to people you meet rather than having to find a piece of paper and writing out your information each time.


  • Put your resume on your social networking profiles – For sites like Twitter and Linkedin, you should create an internet friendly resume to post as your profile. You will want to highlight your best accomplishments and remove any of your real world contact information, along with your references.


  • Think about what you really want – When you are new to the job search, there is a tendency to not want to rule anything out and keep your options open. The problem with that is that applying for everything and taking whichever one offers you a job lessens your odds of getting a job and your odds of finding the right fit for you. When you know where you want to work, or what you want to do, you can impress an interviewer with you enthusiasm and passion.
When you are looking for your new job, be sure to ask the people in your network if they have heard of anyone who is hiring. Sometimes just simply asking for help can make the difference between missing out on a great opportunity and getting the job.
What other things do you think are important? Let me know in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for CollegeJobBankBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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