Why Resumes Matter to Employers

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Career Advice

In this age of LinkedIn, some people assume they no longer need a resume. The truth is that resumes matter if you want to find your dream job. Social media profiles are a great way to show off your work history and skills, but they are not a substitute for a resume that is tailored to the job for which you want to apply.

Resumes matter to employers because they provide a quick snapshot of your work history and professional skills. By reading your resume, employers can quickly tell if you're a good candidate for the role.

When writing a resume, you have the opportunity to emphasize your most relevant job experiences. In fact, every time you apply to a new role, it's a good idea to tweak your resume so that it shows how you meet the job requirements. Think of it as a story you are telling to the employer about who you are and why they should hire you. A general social media profile cannot offer this personalized story to every recruiter that reads it.

Resumes matter because they prove to recruiters that you are able to be selective about the information you present. You don't have to list every job you've ever had on your document. Choose positions that are similar to the position or within the same industry to garner the employer's interest.

Online profiles often contain a lot of personal information that have nothing to do with landing a job. Employers aren't generally concerned about your marital status, whether or not you have children or if you belong to a particular church. This information could distract them from making a decision about whether or not to hire you. Resumes matter because they present relevant professional information without too many personal details.

When you write a resume, you should put time and care into making sure it's perfect. Compared to writing an online profile, resumes require a much higher level of attention to detail. Typos and spelling mistakes suggest to recruiters that you are careless and that you do not care much about the job.

Resumes give you a chance to use quantitative data to tell a story about yourself without looking like you are showing off. For example, you can state that you "increased sales by 25 percent over three months" in your last role. At interview, you can explain how you managed to achieve that goal.

Even in an era of online social media, resumes matter when you are looking for a job. Unlike an online profile, a resume is your chance to reach out directly to the employer and explain why you are right for the role. Resumes matter now for job seekers, and it is likely they always will.

Photo courtesy of everydayplus at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • Ervine S.
    Ervine S.

    I have used my old resume for looking for trades jobs I have done sawmill/pulp mills, surface&underground mining but when employers are looking for tradesmen I have plenty of experience in all areas of the Millwright trade but I find employers are look for cheap trade apprentices dur to high wage certificate Tradesmen, Companies want to cut costs for a profit. It's tough out there looking for trades Jobs seems like resumes mean Nothing to Company Profits

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