Ask These Ten Questions Before Saying Yes

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

When you receive a job offer, your first instinct may to respond with an emphatic "yes!" However, it's in your best interest to consider the employer, the job duties and other important factors before actually responding. If possible, get some additional information and take some time to think over the decision. Ask these 10 questions before saying "yes" to a job offer.

1. What Are the Working Hours of the Position?

When faced with a job offer, be sure to inquire about the working hours of the job. Find out whether the employer has expectations in regard to arrival or departure time, such as showing up 10 minutes before the shift or leaving right on time.

2. How Does the Organization Encourage Work-Life Balance?

This is your opportunity to learn whether the organization offers family leave, four-day work weeks or a benefits package that is suitable for you and your family.

3. What Are the Expectations for Reaching Employees After Work Hours?

Before accepting that job offer, find out whether the employer expects you to be accessible by phone or email during non-working hours.

4. What Are the Rules and Policies for Taking Time Off?

Ask about any procedures or norms regarding vacation, personal or sick time. Also, find out if partial days allowed to accommodate doctor's appointments.

5. How Does the Organization Encourage Camaraderie?

Determine whether the potential employer requires teamwork. A company that encourages employee engagement is typically a more positive work environment.

6. How Is Performance Evaluated?

Find out who conducts the employee performance evaluations and how often they're done, and ask about the criteria by which workers are measured.

7. How Does the Organization Promote a Diverse Work Environment?

Ask for a tour of the company before you accept the job offer. This is a great way to see for yourself whether the organization is diverse and inclusive.

8. Is There Any Flexibility With Telecommuting?

Before accepting that job offer, find out whether working from home is ever a possibility. Is it acceptable when the weather is bad or a few days per month?

9. What Is the Most Challenging Part of the Position?

Find out what struggles employees in this job typically face. This helps you determine if you have the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the position.

10. How Does the Organization Handle Innovation?

While considering the job offer, find out whether the potential employer is able to keep up with changing technology. Innovative organizations are typically more forward-thinking.

Before you accept a job offer, you want to be sure that you're a good fit for the employer and that the position is a good fit for you. Always ask these 10 questions before deciding whether or not to respond "yes."

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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