5 Tips for Getting a Fashion Job

Posted by in Retail

With the various fashion “reality” type shows that are now on television, the interest in fashion related fields has seen a slight increas in recent times. Here are some strategies that may help you to find your way in this competitive field during these hard economic times. Keep in mind that the fashion community is often a tight-knit group of people, and so be sure to always keep things professional, or you may find that the word can “get out” about you and harm future opportunities.


When it comes to the application, and providing information about you, do not fall for the temptation of using cliché phrases like “I have a passion for fashion,” “I dream of fashion,” or “I was born to be in fashion.” These quaint little sayings get used more often that you might think, and should be avoided. Avoid writing anything that may come across as desperate, just simply be laid back and professional.


Researching your interviewing company is a very important and key task – and while this holds true for almost any job, it is even more applicable to fashion positions. Go online and read up on the company, do searches looking for reviews and write-ups on their products, and visit their stores and learn what you can about their quality and market. Then, when it comes time for the interview, you will have a much more well-rounded knowledge so as to be able to ask more specific and detailed questions about the company.


When you go in to interview for a specific position, stick with that position for the interview. Yes, you may have dreams of another similar position in the company, but leave the advancement ideas for the future and focus on the present position discussion. Of course, you can use those desires when it comes to the typical “where do you see yourself in five years” type of question, but avoid being too zealous and asking for a position different from the one you are interviewing for.


Never say disparaging remarks about your former employer or other employees. This applies to any job situation, but again, since fashion is a tight-knit community, it can really apply here. Even if the interviewer seems to be directly asking, or bating you into it, always keep it professional and never cross that line – you never know who might be related to whom in the industry.


Never dress too casually, always keep it stylish, and if possible always dress at least one step above the company’s brand of style. Stylish yet professional attire should be the standard, even if the fashion brand you are interviewing for is a more dressed down attire.


These tips are given as some that are more specifically related to the fashion industry, but do not forget that there are so many other more generic interview tips to keep in mind. To read up on more interview tips, read through our articles in the Job Seeker – Interview section.


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  • Matt F
    Matt F
    It's and Wonderful article and really very informative and helpful.beauty products Distributors
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